Just need to vent

So I have a 2 year old son, and I'm a SAHM. He definitely in the terrible 2's stage. Cries over any little thing, throws tantrums, doesn't listen, is CONSTANTLY up my butt, he's not taking ANY kind of nap so it's hard to get anything done.. I love it, but it is exhausting. I'm soooo tired.. He doesn't go to bed til midnight wakes up at 11. By midnight I am worn out to the max. Anyway when my SO comes home from work I ask if he can watch our son for like 30 mins. I usually don't ask cause I know what the answer will be. Which is no. He tells me I don't pay any of the bills so he ain't helping with our son. He won't change a diaper, or cook or anything around the house. He won't play with him or anything. He rather be on his phone playing games or whatever. I'm his mind it's like if I dont help with bills, he don't help with the baby. Oh and if I go one day without doing dishes or laundry or something, I'm lazy. I can't take showers when I want. Have to wait til my son's asleep after midnight, which majority of the time I go without cause I'm too exhausted. Then I get called dirty. I have to take my son grocery shopping which he throws fit after for after fit while we are there. I hate going. Ugh. Even if I'm running to the store just for diapers or anything. I have to take him. My SO does none of the shopping whatsoever. Hmm what else. On his days off he refuses to wake up with our son so I can get a extra hour or so of sleep. (my SO goes to bed around 8 or 9. ) as of lately work is hard so he's working 2 days a week cause of rain and weather.. So on his days off he gets to sleep in even after 12 hours of sleep. While I'm running off of 6 or 7 hours every day. Oh and when I get sick or something i don't get a break even then. I still have to take care of the baby and the house. While I'm sick with a cold or whatever. I've asked plenty and plenty of times to please help. I've begged.. I cried to him.. I got and my hands and knees begging to rest for 15 mins. It doesn't matter to him cause he pays the bills I don't.. Rant over.. Sorry just needed to let it out to someone... anyone .. 😒😒😒😒