Here's hoping!!

AmandaJoelle • Psychiatric Technician
 I feel like every month I just feel pregnant because it's wishful thinking:/ but I'm hoping this is the month! Too early for me to try and test because I've been let down too much to want to try again so soon.  
My symptoms so far have been tender/heavy breasts, cramping (one night was exteme cramping and nausea combinded), very moody, ACNE (which I neverrrr get), extra sleepy., and something new to me, I've been very nauseous after every meal. No matter what I eat expect for a strawberry smoothie I had for lunch today. Every meal for the last 3 days has made me feel sick without vomitting or any belly pain. Just that crippling sick to my stomach feeling. Any thoughts ? AF due in 3 days . I'm crossing my fingers !!! 😁 
( my usual AF symptoms are lower abdominal pain and back pain, headaches and sensitive nipples)