
Jennifer • 05.27.16 👩‍👧 07.25.18 💌🤰🏼
I have been with my boyfriend for a little over three months. Everything is going great our relationship we get along really well. I know we have only been together three months but something has been bothering me, my boyfriend loves to have sex. I have nothing against that. But I like oral pleasure too. He never seems like he wants to do anything other than sex. I do give him blowjobs and I tried to hint towards doing other things but all he's interested in is basically having sex and he enjoys it when I give him a blowjob but he never thinks about going down on me. At first I thought it was a little bit of an insecurity thing but I shower every single day and I always shower before. So I know it's not me. I don't know how I'm supposed to bring it up to him without hurting his feelings. He is very shy and it's very hard for him to open up because of things that have happened in his past. And he just recently started opening up with me I don't want to say something in the wrong way and for him to close back up. I need help. Thank you!

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