Aunt has leukemia but does heroin

This probably sounds crazy. My aunt is a drug addict. She has been for years. Since my grandfather passed away about 7 years now. She lost her husband and kids due to drugs. She used to be like a sister to me. I was always with her until I realized what she was doing then I stopped talking to her. At one point I even told people she wasn't related to me. She did a lot to my family that hurt them. My grandmother kept taking her in and helping her even though she was stealing from her. We found out probably about a year ago that she has leukemia. That didn't stop her from doing heroin and whatever else she does. She's been in and out of hospitals for the past couple of months and we just got a call from a hospital saying that she is there and they don't see her making it. They're starting chemo today but they said she needs a bone marrow transplant and they don't do them at the hospital she's at and the only one that does them is one that is refusing her because when she was there she had her boyfriend bringing her some pills and she had a morphine patch that she wasn't supposed to have on her. So the only hospital that can help her is refusing her and if she doesn't get this transplant within 48 hours she is going to die. I understand she made some shitty choices and everyone in my family knows how I feel about her and how I want nothing to do with her but I don't see how a hospital that is her only chance to live is going to deny her a transplant. Am I crazy or do you also think the hospital is wrong? I want nothing but her to stop doing drugs because my dad died from them so I understand that it's wrong but I just can't get over the fact that this fucking hospital is rejecting her as a patient!