Going A Little Crazy

Clare • Age 31. Married. 👦🏼😇😇😇👦🏼🤰🏻
I thought my water broke last Friday at 37 wks and waited to go in until Saturday to get checked (no contractions and didn't want Pitocin if possible). Turns out it was a false alarm, but my parents flew in from California before we knew it was a fluke and now they're staying for 2+ weeks waiting for baby to come. I have a friend visiting for 5 days, too. I cannot take this right now: hosting, the pressure, etc. and am going crazy. I just want to be alone, get everyone out of my house, and cry. I was so sure the baby was coming last weekend; I can't handle it. I have BV again for the fourth time during this pregnancy, and that's probably what I mistook for my water breaking. (Lovely!) Only encouraging thing is that my midwife doesn't think I'll make it to 40 wks, since baby is very low... Ugh. Anyone going/gone through a similar situation? How did you get through it?!