Aspirin 75mg

Is anyone taking? Aspirin 75mg, to prevent miscarriage?
The thing is, I had a chemical pregnancy in August 2015 then got pregnant again straight away, had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks, baby died at 5 weeks, so I needed a D&E. That was on December 2015.
Then got chemical pregnancies the last 2 months.
Now I'm 2 days late and got 3 very faint positive tests, which is uncommon, the last pregnancies they are stronger at the beginning and then starts to fade till I start to bleed. Anyway I know that now they are getting darker, and I've just started to take aspirin 75 mg no one told me to do so, I've just saw lots of ladies talking about it and saying that after many losses they finally got a healthy baby, taking aspirin since they found the positive result.
I would like to know if someone else in here are taking, who told you to do, or had worked for you?
Oh, and I have a 5 years old really healthy, had no problems at all in my pregnancy. Was just last year we've start trying for baby 2, and all this is happening.
Thank you