Like zombie apocalypses? Here's another dream story for you.

Okay so I posted my satan/God dream, I have a lot of those dreams but they aren't the only ones I have. My dreams are detailed, have story lines that make for the most part make sense. Going to sleep for me Is like watching a movie. I don't really know why I dream like this, I have my entire life. This will be long. 
Okay so I don't even know where to start here, the world had been ended by a group all the "elites". The richest, most powerful human beings on the entire planet.  They wanted to kill of the human race and make their own race, much like hitler in some way I guess, they wanted their own kind to rule the earth. It started with wars, the planet was basically in devastation. The human poplution was scarce. It was truly the survival of the fittest. The strongest, smartest people survived and lived basically running for their lives, there was thousands of these survivors around the planet. As time goes on wars were still happening, both elites and the survivers kept dying. So of course, the elites somehow create this zombie virus thinking they hit the jackpot.. They infected their own people and launched them out of a freaking plane onto the survivors, the virus was spread by scratching, biting..but when someone caught it spread just like it would if it were any contagious sickness. It was a fight and they all got infected and got sick but they weren't dying nor turning into zombies. The survivors -strongest, smartest people also had something different in their DNA that could take any type of virus and mutate it into something that would benifit them. So instead of getting sick and dying or turning into a zombie they got sick for a while, like deathly sick and then got better, better as in super human abilities, it was like an advanced human race. If they were threatened in some manner they lost all human rationality and ripped shit to shreds. So if and when they sent anymore zombies for them all the zombies got turned into human slushies, they were the most advanced humans to ever walk the planet, even their brains grew. They were officially the hardest people to kill. They also had the ability to regenerate body parts and skin.  (I am not a science geek so if that doesn't make sense of well it's a dream and LOL JUST LIKE DEADPOOL)  anyways, the elites realize they aren't dying and by now the survivors are a major threat. So they think "well shit" and just nuke the shit out of them. Which they probably should have just done in the first place-whatever.  But anyways, the survivors are hit by these nukes. Yet, their bodies are still intact for the most part, if they still had a head they weren't dead, they are scorched to a freaking peice of human bacon and they'll stay like that for days. The elites are idiots and think everyone is done for. So they go back to their shitty hitler empire and forget about it. Meanwhile the survivors bodies are healing from the inside out and by 3 days are done healing and ready to rip shit to shreds. It sent them into war mode, they were threatened. Lala happy ending just like a movie the survivors attack the elites and kill every single one of them, I'm going to add that as they're attacking even the children of the survivors are badass are are killing too. They take over this empire, it's it their home now. It's as nice as it gets. 
So basically it was about humans evolving after war and a zombie virus and racist rich people and mass genocide. I am beginning to think everything around me including politics to zombie movies influence my dreams but whatever. It's really awesome to watch in my head, and extremely interesting to read when I write it down😂😂 
My dreams man. 
I forgot to add this, this dream had more to it like characters and stories that go into these characters, but that's too much to write lol. 
"They" as in the characters talked about how this DNA came from the bubonic plague, something about how human DNA recognized this and some humans were born with this evolved DNA, it was rare but the purpose of this DNA was so that if something like the plague happened again the human race would have a better chance at survival. Dream stuff.