My story!

We have been trying for a couple of years. I honestly thought it would never happen. I'd scroll through Glow and read success stories just to fill the void. I was a private detective anytime I took a pregnancy test - holding it up to the light, squinting, taking pictures and editing them...I just wanted that second line! I'd get all these symptoms and swear I was pregnant but it would always end the same with AF coming. "Quit trying and it will happen"..I don't know how many times I heard that one...or "It will happen when it is time to" etc. Last month I gave up..not because I thought I'd get pregnant if I quit trying but because I was drained and frankly sick and tired of it. I wasn't even sure if I was ovulating. I had bought some fertility vitamins from a nutrition store (though i didnt take them like I should have because I truly was sick of trying - but I did take multiple doses this month in hopes of getting my cycles regular). My periods were so irregular (between 30 and 49 days). My last period on March 30th lasted 2 days (which wasn't abnormal). On the 18th of this month (April) I had intense cramps on my right side. It was so painful I thought I might have something going on. Glow said I might be ovulating and I noticed egg white CM. Wasn't getting my hopes up though. Three days ago I took a test and it was negative. It didn't surprise me but I thought why not take my last one. I noticed I had gained 5 lbs in a week - very abnormal. I'm 5'7 and usually 140lbs. I am so bloated it's sickening. I'm not sure why but I told my fiance we should grab a test while we were shopping and we did. Last night I had to pee and thought why not? (I just wanted to make sure because I wanted to have some drinks). I put the test in my pocket and just new it was negative and forgot about it. When I looked at it again there were two lines!!! Holy sh*t! I took another test and sure enough that line appeared. Ladies, do not give up hope! If miracles can happen to me they can happen to you too!!