life of being an empath

I'm 22 and I still have not learned to embrace my gift or at least come out with it. My best friend has tried to get me to recognize my gift but I refused. I tend to see and feel things others don't. I don't wanna tell anyone about this because they will think I am crazy. When I'm in situations out of hatred I know how they gonna end. My presence alone bring out the suspects, they will start walk up talking out of guilt and fear. I have the intuition that will bring people out. Before my best friend was killed she knew I wanted to become a FBI agent, and work my way up to being a sniper. I tried to close my eyes, pretend I don't hear, or see stuff that can lead to an investigation. When I ignored my feelings and get ahead of myself, nothing will happen. I feel crazy because I see stuff played out in direct order after I sensed corruption of a person. A detective told me that I need to embrace my gift because I can actually help others. My intuition has been strong since I solved my best friend investigation. This intuition that I have has brought 9 police departments under investigation, and 2 court houses. I tried to close my eyes, but I will still see stuff the FBI should see. My father sees death, and in our family it raised questions. My best friend knew how bad I wanted to be an FBI agent. Sometimes I just wanna close my eyes and see different. If I'm in situations I will go through the complete process. This didn't start really picking up until my best friend was murdered, and I was nowhere around for help because I was getting beat on. I regret it till this very day. I don't know how to embrace my gift because people gonna start calling me crazy, and saying I need help. I see other things people can't, I feel what people are even doing behind my back. I can tell what people files, and emails are like once you approach me corrupted telling me stuff I didn't know. I keep everything to myself and people always ask me "how do you know". I have had so many people fall down in life terribly that has done wrong to me. I don't know how to stop seeing all of this.