Plain uncomfortable

I'm 24 weeks tomorrow and have been having a lot of complications. I have two bleeds a slight departure and my placenta is looped around my cervix and causing lots is bleeding and pain. For the last 3 days I've had a migraine I haven't been able to shake, my face and feet/ankles are swollen so bad they hurt because the skin is stretched so tight, I have this pain like where you'd feel heartburn but it is a horrible like stabbing/burning pain, I was up and down all night vomiting and now my left arm is numb. I've called my OB office but the doctor that's on call is a quack job in my opinion and always just tells everyone to wait it out at home. I have a appointment Wednesday but do you ladies think I need to call first thing in the am to try to be seen sooner? I'm so miserable and can't get rest to try to feel better. 
Thanks for any advice!