33 weeks mild cramping, sore hips and back

So, I know my hips aching and back being sore is par for the course at this point but I'm getting increasingly uncomfortable. I have mild cramping mainly on my left side near my pubic bone but it's constant enough to have me a little concerned. Baby is still moving like crazy and her head is up against my left side (head down) so maybe that's why I'm cramping. The cramping started yesterday and the sore hips and back started last night/this morning. I'm fully prepared to go get checked if it doesn't improve or if I experience any contractions which I don't think I've even had any BH at this point. Anybody else in the same boat as me? Or should I be more concerned? No discharge, no pelvic pressure at all. Just looking for some advice! My baby shower is in a few hours or I'd be more apt to go get checked now. Thanks in advance!!