I'm completely losing it

Long story short me and my ex work together since we broke up a month ago she's been sending weird signals so today she offered me a ride I accepted and the whole time she kept looking at me and smiling and when I would ask she would say nothing then she asked if I still loves her I said yes so she asked why and I told her then she went on to say am I talking or dating anyone and I said no why and she said no reason 😒so I asked her if she loved me then I answered for her and said oh yea no you don't and walked away so then I texted her why all the questions and she said its funny because now we're not together and your doing all of this stuff like losing weight going shopping (buying sexy clothes) wearing the fashion rings and lipstick and I said okay and so I'm confused what's her deal Oh I didn't mention she has a new gf even though she says she don't I'm trying to break ties with her but it's not working and because she's doing all of this is confusing the shit out of me now she's on my mind yet again Its like stressing me out