Overwhelming and stressing myself out!

Jacqlynn • Soon to be a mommy of three!
I have made some progress though! Small rant bear with me here! I started a new job and the next week found out I was pregnant after accepting their offer. I kept quiet due to being high risk in beginning. Currently 34 weeks! Work has been super supportive but I work a lot ands feel I need to prove myself to them, although I know I don't they are more supportive than my last job was during pregnancy. So besides work, we redid the floors in our house, switched all the bedrooms around, and still have a lot to do. Currently the pictures show my daughters new big girl room, the floors finished, but still need trim, babies room semi done. I still need to paint the blank canvas and his name and I have a few more things to hang. The new master bedroom is finished but we just shoved or things in there and haven't put everything away yet. The new playroom is still blank wall and toys with boxes of toys shoved in the room. I dunno if I'll get this house in order before this little boy makes his arrival. And of course I took all this on instead of doing one thing at a time..... I have 4 weekends left to finish not to mention our one year anniversary is coming up in 2 weeks! I just need to hang in there! Almost done!