Sorry not sorry emotions

Jamie • step son born 7/5/13, baby girl born 6/29/16, baby boy born 4/5/18

I spent the weekend at my mom's with my SO and kiddo and dog. When we're over there, my mom spoiled my dog and gave her chicken. When she does that, my dog gets the shits (tmi I'm sorry). Anyway, we came home and she immediately takes a runny poo. Normally, i pick up poo, but you can't pick up runny poo! About 20 mins later she had to go out again. Again, runny poo. Well, i heard a neighbor complaining saying that we never pick up after our dog and that she poops on the sidewalk.

I guess my emotions got the best of me because i couldn't keep quiet! I spoke up and said my dog wasn't feeling well and that i tried to pick up her poo and that i ALWAYS pick it up when it's solid. She makes a condescending comment, something to the effect of "i don't care what you have to say, boo boo." I went off on her! Don't worry about what i do! I take care of mine! I have doggie bags attached to my leash for Christ sake! Told her to mind her own business! I couldn't help it. She wasn't being quiet about her shit talking and my prego ass couldn't hold back.

Anyway, third trimester has taken hold of my emotions, sorry not sorry lol

32 weeks