2.5years later PREGNANT ๐Ÿ˜Š


Well found out on Sat evening I am expecting my 4th (and last). I have PCOS and was put on metaform after TTC for 2.5years. On sat My hubby said to me Wow ur really tired all the time im getting worried do u think your iron is low again ? I just said I have worked alot. Anywho i had some cheap tests and boom 2 lines... 3 tests later lol.

I have around a 40 day cycle give or take a few weeks. so Dr thinks im due around 9th of Jan.

I had a dr app today that I made 6 weeks ago dye to tonsillitis. I am now on antibiotics 4x a day for 10days and Im freaking out about thrush cause i cant take the tablet to stop it.

Ohh and I suffer migraines Have had the most horrendous one for the last 24 hrs. Cant take my normal meds. Only panadine.

Wow want a blurt lol

Ohh and my bp today was 163/109 ๐Ÿ˜•