
So long story short, my friend stopped taking BC in January because of insurance issues, she knowingly had unprotected sex this last month and ended up pregnant. This girl and I are both the same age and she is well off and stable, she wanted to keep it but now after talking to the father, who insisted that he had to go to the bar and get drunk before talking to her, has convinced her to get an abortion.. Now I'm the only person she told and I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant, I'm pro-life but I understand things happen and I told her I would stand by and help her no matter what. She wanted this child, and I'm very afraid emotionally this is going to kill her and not only that but I'm scared how it will affect our friendship, how is she going to stand to be around someone who's pregnant after she does this? How is she going to stand to be around my son when he arrives? She's one of my best friends and I'm scared to death that subcontiously she will push me away because of my pregnancy. And I know everyone will probably say just talk to her but it's hard because she is in a very fragile state and I don't want her to feel that I'm using that to convince her to keep it, she already has enough pressure and stress I just want to provide her comfort. I'm just scared to lose my best friend.