
I told myself I wasn't going to do this but here I am lol.

Me and my so have been married for 3 years and we've been trying to have a baby. We started the month of April 2016. I know it was still April two days ago lol but still..

Okay I have the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">fertility tracker</a> on here and we did everything at the right time and everything and I talked to my obgyn and he told me to take a test in two weeks. So we go and get a test and I take it and it's negative I think hey its probably because it's cheap ya know can't tell that soon so I go get a clear blue and still negative. Well I was supposed to start my period today and I did spot and it was looking like an actual period but now tonight there is nothing absolutely nothing not even any sign of pink. Sooooo my question is is this a good sign or am I jumping to conclusions and losing my mind lol. Now I also want to point out my periods are usually always on time always present lol so this is kinda throwing me off for it to be there one minute and gone the next lol. And help or advice is appreciated thanks