7 Year Old Girl Hygiene

Meagan • IT Consultant | Wine Enthusiast | Tired!

So, I need some help from parents with little girls who have had similar issues - please reread that - I do not need or want to hear how my step daughter needs counseling or was molested or is lazy or whatever the beep off topic advice some may want to give. I only want advice from people who have been in THIS situation!

My 7 year old step daughter couldn't care less about hygiene! This includes disliking baths (if we didn't force her, she wouldn't bathe until her eyes were caked in mud), her post toilet wiping is sub par at best and there is frequent evidence in her panties, we have to check her to wear panties most days, if we didn't remind multiple times she wouldn't brush her teeth/hair, she seems incapable of cleaning up her areas (dirty clothes, plate at dinner, breakfast yoghurt stuff)........
 I love this child, but it is a full time job keeping her just smelling presentable! Any advice? Ideas? Is this a phase? Am I in for a dust cloud child? 
Her mom has mentioned to us similar issues, so it's not just at our house (50/50 split), but how do I convince the child to bathe more? And just be cleaner more?
Follow up - thank you to every one with their suggestions and reassurances. We have picked out bath toys and have our own special products. Our tooth paste is bright blue and all over the bathroom. We have w chore chart with rewards and stars and stickers. I think it's just an age and personality. She knows she's super adorable, so it's not a confidence thing. (Told her I was going to trade her in for a cuter and quieter version and she replied, "where do you think you're going to find a cuter one?!") I'll just keep after her and hopefully if she hears it from us and mom every day it will stick one day!