So alone

Rachel • Boy mom to Ellis Owen 06/2016 & Isaac Erso 02/2020
I go to work M-F and no one wants to talk to me, except one coworker who I feel uses me to vent most of the time. Some of them also seem to resent me for my pregnancy.  I come home, and my husband barely pays attention to me if at all. Then he works most weekends so we don't get much time together anyway.  My family rarely communicates with me. With the exception of a couple people who occasionally ask how I'm feeling (pregnancy-wise), most of my friends don't initiate anything with me anymore...  I continue to initiate communication with everyone else if I haven't heard from them in a while. I try to be positive and ask them about their lives, and it's rarely reciprocated. I've told my husband exactly how I feel, and he recognizes the problem, but still isn't really making an effort to be there for me. I'm trying so hard to handle each day at a time and be strong for our baby and myself, but I feel so incredibly alone, unloved, and unwanted. I feel like I have no one to support me, and it's getting increasingly difficult as my due date gets closer... When I tell anyone (even my OB) how I'm feeling it's always dismissed because of "hormones." I'm sorry for this long, downer of a post, but I'm seriously at the end of my rope. What am I supposed to do?