Boycotting Mothers Day!

Mothers Day has always been hard for me. I don't have a relationship with my mom, I'm a stepmom, and I had a miscarriage 5 weeks ago. I have a very selfish mother. I care and love a child that's not mine but don't get a special day. I don't know how to function anymore. In my desperate need to be a mother I treated my dog Toby as if he was my baby. I had lost my Toby to cancer in January of this year, then lost my first pregnancy less then two months later. I feel hollow, empty, and numb. I have a very hard time expressing how I feel and it is almost easier to do so to complete strangers. I don't have any family other than my husband and his family but they deal with issues by ignoring them. I know my stepson isn't my son but don't I deserve a day? I'm not even saying Mothers Day being my day but something. I mean I do get up and make him breakfast every morning, make his lunch, make a home cooked dinner, help with homework, take him to doctors appointments, listen and give advice anytime he needs me. But I'm nothing. I'm a stepmom, not a real mom. So F*** Mothers Day!