Ultrasound - going in for my first U/S tomorrow to determine due date. Anyone who had an u/s around this time, did they need to use the wand/vaginal or just on your belly?

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I had an abdominal ultrasound both at 7w and 13w and both showed everything very well! You should be able to have a belly one! Good luck :) :)


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Make sure your bladder is full! If you're early it will help them see better if they do an abdominal u/s. Not saying they won't do a vaginal one to begin with but in my experience they tried the abdominal one first and she said it really helped that my bladder was full. 😊 good luck!!


Kari • May 6, 2016
Thank you! I remember that now from my first baby but I had totally forgotten! Great tip!


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I had a transvaginal us at 7.5 weeks... Wasn't uncomfortable, don't worry if that's what they do. The probe is not that big.