Should I stay or should I go?

So my SO and I have been together for 3 years now. His family doesn't like me(just his parents and sibling), everyone else is fine with me. 
He was so affectionate and honest(at least I thought he was). He wanted me to work with him, so we started a business together. We were doing well so I quit my other jobs. he's keeping all the money to himself. He's 30 and still living at home, he asked me to move in with him so I did, but now, he's gotten super lazy, our business has died, he's spending $$$ left and right. 
He promised me, since I quite my jobs, that he would pay for my car insurance and my car insurance. It's been a year since he's paid my insurance and a month since he hasn't paid my registration. And now my DL is expired, yet, he expects me to still drive! 
I've caught him in multiple lies about where he's been, especially, when he hangs out with the guys, and the sad part is, he knows there are no consequences about where he goes, so long as he tells me where he is going and what time he'll be home. And he just turns it all round and says that it's my fault. 
Also, when I talk to him about serious things, like moving out of his parents house, he just gets mad at me. He thinks I'm trying to change him but I am not. I just want to help him prove to his parents that he can make it on his own. Especially his father, who he has not talked to in over a year.
And when I want to get intimate with him he says he "tired", yet when he wants a bj he's not tired at all. Even when we do become intimate, he finishes and I never finish. He just leaves me there lying on the bed while he snores away. 
What should I do?