Do you always lose your muscus plug?


I'm 34 weeks and just starting experiencing pressure deep in my lady parts and lower belly....and I can tell and feel our baby girl has moved positions in my belly.

I get a sharp twinge in my cervix maybe when walking around a lot....just lasts a few seconds but makes me jump and I squeeze my legs together like I'm doing a pee pee dance lol

I believe baby has dropped....or is starting to at least.

Anyways....if I begin to dialate....I assume I will start to lose my mucus plug??? Does this always happen???

I'm a ftm....and the pressure really makes me nervous....but I figured if I Still have my plug then at least I'm not dilating yet??? Am I correct in my thinking?!

Also I've been PLUG UP for 3 days now....which isn't helping....I'm so uncomfortable. I've been trying to stay off my feet a bit more, as I don't feel too much pressure if I m resting