😩 maaaaaaaaan!!!!!

Since yesterday ive been so bad. Honestly if you know me in person im always in a good mood. Not a day goes by that i dont smile or try to have fun were ever i am at. Even with my husband. My people know I dispise sour attitudes and there is no reason to be mad...AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT 😆 but honestly yesterday and today im not having it. I'm in a sour mood my hubby feels it and is hiding in our room (he thinks I didn't catch on but i know) i want to say mean things to him, i want to cry i want to laugh i want to pack up all my crap and escape.....what the heck man 😤 ive been feeling sick to my stomach im hungry but have no appetite. I feel grossed out at the thought  of some food. Im feeling some kind of aches in my hips, lower back and down my legs. I cant get comfortable no matter what i do. I'm constipated. I'm tired, I'm irritable and over all of this 😩😭 im 7dpo...whyyyyyyyyy!!!!! I wish i didn't feel like this im trying not to i promise. I just blew up on a girl on a post that irked the heck out of me....
Is anybody with me?