HCG after natural miscarriage

Marli • Lottie Mae norm 3-23-20. Liam Thomas🌈 born 4-7-17. Angel baby 5-4-16. Hubby & I married 11-1-14. Have two Pomeranian `babies`.
I was 11 weeks with an 8 week baby when I miscarried this week. 
They took my blood when I started bleeding Mondayand HCG was 2500 (they said. I don't have a copy of this. It could've been slightly more.) 
Passed baby and placenta Wednesday.
 HCG taken Friday. Got result today. 2554
Since it went up slightly not down slightly do you think I didn't have a complete miscarriage? Or do you think it's just taking time to one down?
It IS possible that it was anywhere between 2500-2600 and they just said "2500". It was at the ER. And I don't have a copy of it. Drs office does. And the only reason I know ANYTHING from Doctor is because it's on my ap. They post test results there. They've been useless about telling me anything. 
I think even one of them may have said 2550 instead of 2500. But again. I don't have physical records from the hospital. 
Advice would be welcome.