I think it's time to reevaluate my relationship :(

For the past five years, I'm not sure I can remember one mother's day where I wasn't ignored by him for some reason or another. And after thinking about it, it seems that way for birthdays and some holidays too. I may not be the mother to his kids, but I am a mother. Also just because I'm biologically not his children's mother, I play the role. I take care of them, cook for them, wash their clothes, the list goes on and on while they are at our house.

All over some petty fight that happened the other day. Instead of talking to me like an adult and fixing the issue, it's better for him to ignore me. Why?

A small part of me really hoped he would let things go this morning and be nice to me. No chance of that. He just walked around the house ignoring me. :(

So I decided to take my son and get away for the day. While I'm putting things in the car to go (day trip to the beach), his kids are asking where we are going and if they are going with us too. Broke my heart. But they are going to be with their mom today, so they will have a good time.

As hard as it is to come to terms with, it's clear I just don't matter in his eyes. There is no respect for me. No matter how hard I try, I'm never enough.