Coping with a Chemical Pregnancy

I would be 4.5 weeks pregnant today, however last night while getting ready for bed, I noticed a lot of brown discharge in my underwear, I contacted the OBGYN and she said it could be completely normal but could also be a threatened miscarriage. I woke up at 530am in a rush to the bathroom, the bleeding had turned bright red with clots. I am so devastated. I keep blaming myself or trying to blame my husband. Maybe if you hadn't done this or maybe if I had done that. I have 3 happy and healthy children, none of them are biologically his so this would've been our first child together and his family's first grand baby, well biologically...they were so excited and now I have to turn around and tell them the bad news, but not today definitely. I'm so sad and shocked, has anyone else ever experienced a Chemical Pregnancy? How did you cope and how long did it take for you to conceive again? We had been trying for 7 months and this was our first confirmed pregnancy by the doc...Happy Mothers day to all you mommas and baby dust to all you TTC mommas.