Telling MIL to leave.

I fucking hate this "just on this side of town" bullshit..... -_- its my mothers day too and being 8 months pregnant i thought i could have it laid back. No here i am making dinner relaxing figuring easy day..... And i look up my MIL is coming through the door....i have enough food to feed MY family. And my husband goes oh yeh she said she might stop by.....WTF!?! Now for the past 1 1/2hr(she was only suppose to stay 20min) i have helped my son, cooked, baked, cleaned while they sit talking about her not having insurance since she let it lapse from buying craft stuff, how she wants him over to help her fix some things (she lives in an adult assisted center..... they have a on call help) lets forget he stops by 2x a week, how she NEEDED a good mothers day and then she starts talking about being in the room during delivery husband just kind of lets it slide.

i finally lost my shit i have said on MULTIPLE occasions no one not even my mom will be in there and they WILL NOT be waiting "outside the door". Its stressful enough to be having a baby without her taking my husbands undivided attention which she does every time she is around.... i haven't even gotten to speak to my husband since she got here since he is trying to clean the yard while i cook. And she expects dinner there is a reason we stopped inviting her she eats and leaves.....basically expects food but never helps cook, clean or anything she doesn't bring anything when we do cook and everyone at christmas from my parents to cousins and just friends we have over all bring a dish.....nope not her.

I have dealt with enough shit she's an adult and perfectly capable of taking care of herself per her dr prior to her insurance lapsing.

Just no she isnt a damn child and i have enoug shit to take care of.