So hands up if you know someone who murdered someone 🙌

Beth • ~~~♡♡Let`s Roll♡♡~~~

So it's a normal Sunday night at our house and I'm watching Game of Thrones which was awesome btw...and I get a phone call from my friend. She's talking all fast and the only thing I can make out was "He murdered"....well that caught my attention naturally. So this is the story....

About 2 years ago a friend I'll call Anne (Not her real name) She was married and had a baby and was living the life. Then on Christmas day 2014 her husband went on what I like to call the mother of all drug and alcohol binges. He couldn't be found until Jan 2015. It was a horrible thing to witness my good friend go through, with a 3 year old too. We helped her out as best us girls could. My own husband went looking for Anne's husband and eventually found him in a dirty motel in another town over. My husband drove him back to Anne's house and there was yelling and throwing of things but eventually everything went back to "normal" as best can be. Well on Christmas Day 2014 a man was found murdered in his home. The news said nothing of it really. It was a blunt force trauma was all that was said. This all took place in a small town about 30 minutes from us. Anne asked her husband if he did it. Becuase "Dan" as I'll call him had a history of beating up and blacking out. Dan said no obviously.

A week ago Dan didn't come home from work. A day went by then a week. All everyone thinks is that he was using again. Poor Anne. Of course she's pissed off big time and saying this is it. No more. He's out! Then last night I get a call from Anne's sister. She's crying and talking fast. Appearantly way back on Christmas Day Dan did in fact kill the man on the news. Turns out Dan was looking for drugs, knew that man had some, went to his house and demanded drugs. I guess a fight or argument happened and all of a sudden Dan killed the man by stabbing him and then left with the drugs. I know about all this because Dan was caught in another town by police and confessed. Also confessed to his family a week ago which is why he skipped town. Anne got the call that he was arrested for the murder and found out his family was kinda hiding him away.

It's kinda odd, I mean Anne and Dan were good friends of ours. We took vacations and day trips. Went to concerts and just hung out. He didn't seem like a guy who would legit kill someone. Anne is obviously beside herself. We're all helping out. I've got watching her kid duty which is awesome. Her little boy is so sweet.

Anyways That's the end of my tale.