Saggy breasts? Please Help~!

I'm 20 years old and 184 lbs. I've started to notice my breast starting to sag a bit more that'll usual.. When I was 140 lbs enter college I wasn't too happy about how big they were. I was a size 38 D and since gaining weight I haven't gone anywhere to get a new fitting for bras. I think they are starting to sag more because of the wrong size bras I'm wearing and I wear a bra 24/7 too!!
Anyways I'm planning on working out and losing 60 lbs and was wondering if my breasts will get smaller as well? Will the sag more or less. Will they go from a size D to a B if I went to 120 lb??
I'm just really scared about this....I've wanted to get a breast reduction but didn't think that I'd actually get it this soon in life...
Any advice ladies?