Please be wrong!

Ashley • Married, mom of 2 boys, due in July with boy #3

I went in for my last growth sonogram yesterday at 38 weeks and 2 days. Sonogram estimated his weight at 7lbs 13oz! He could gain a whole pound more before my due date and doctor is completely fine with letting him cook away. Even said I could go up to 2 weeks over due! Hahahaha not trying to give birth to a 9 pound baby much less even more from over cooking! I heard these are not fully accurate and I hope he's a little smaller than that or planning on coming asap!

In other news I am dilated to a 3, was a 2 last week, and 60% effaced, last week was 50%. Other than that I have no signs of labor! Doctor said go for walks, do squats and have sex. She will see me next week or maybe before. I don't think the maybe before is promising...