Cramp then bloat AFTER period ended :( is this normal?

It's my first time getting cramp AFTER my period has ended. The first 2-3 days after period ending I had excruciating cramp pain. I was on bed almost all the time. Now I have been feeling bloated with light pain (last 2 days). I felt fine for maybe a few hours and now the bloating feeling and light pain are back again! I felt 80% recovered yesterday but now the bloating feeling is back :( I got woken up by the uncomfortableness. I am losing strength, find it difficult to move freely, and zero appetite.
Is this normal? Have you experienced this before? How long will it last? Do I need to see a doctor? Any suggestions or tips will be greatly appreciated! 
Some additional information: 
I'm 26 years old. 
Period ended on May 5th. 
I have been using the following remedies: 
- Midol for cramp pain and bloating
- Heating pad when I had cramps 
- Ginger drink 
- Eating light food (grapes, bananas) as I don't have much appetite