Excitement & jealousy all wrapped up in one.

Kasie • 23·Happily Married· Mama to Ellee Brynn Heller June 1st 2017❤
I just found out my sister-in-law is pregnant yesterday. I was filled with joy, and excitement thinking of their (her and her husband) future. An hour or so passed and all I could think about was her pregnancy. She and I had planned on getting pregnant together sometime in July/August. So naturally, I was bummed knowing we wouldn't be having "matching pregnancies". When it was time for bed, sleeping was out of the question. Thoughts of "what if I can't get pregnant" ran through my head. I want a baby so badly! And I can't wait to start trying. And my husband's response is always "if we're ready". It frustrates me that we're not on the same page. I'm just praying that when June comes, we'll be successful.