8 weeks 4 days

Bekah • BFP 03.03.15 MC 04.07.15 BFP#2 04.08.16 -praying for our Rainbow; all while working in a daycare
The furthest we have gotten in a pregnancy. 
Last year at 8.3 we found out our babes had stopped growing at 6.3 and we only had a 25% chance of keeping the one. The week prior to finding out I had been spotting, little crampy and never fully made it to my first prenatal.
I had to go to emerg because I was spotting and the Dr there told me to get my hcg levels checked for a couple of days, so I did that.. And the day of my 'prenatal appointment' just by looking at the numbers my nasty ass doctor told me that I was loosing this pregnancy and she was worried it was ectopic.. That if I had any pain to go to the er right away.
So that night I was admitted and told I was going to have an emergency ultrasound the next morning.
(I'll spare everyone the horrors of the night on a twin bed with my boyfriend in a hospital trying to sleep). 
We get the results and well the rest is history..
Today however! I am 8 weeks and 4 days if all is going according to plan.
No spotting, minor cramping and I am off to have my first prenatal appointment! 
I just can't believe it.