Think im giving up

Hi I got prego when I was 17 and have a handsome 12 year old I've been trying for years since to get prego mind you all my relationships lasted over 3 years well I met my current boyfriend last year I was 6 months outta a 4 year bad relationship and he was several months outta his 3 year bad relationship neither one of us had children with our exes well we met online in august talked on the phone and finally met in September he's a trucker so we spent 3 days together he would come over and we would go to a park or out to dinner and just talk then we finally started actually dating in Oct... He came home in November and I spent the night and yes well you know what happens then same thing in December we spent a week together missed my period in January ... Took a pregnancy test February 1st I was prego in April I lost the baby April 26 2014 we've been trying ever since and my period has been regular since but this month I was 4 days late and then started my period I feel like I'm losing hope my boyfriend says that its gods way of telling not to loose hope ...... Whats your opinions?