Flowers 💐


I love getting "just because" flowers. But "honey I'm sorry" flowers aren't bad either. It isn't the amount of money spent on the flowers. It is the realization that they made a mistake and are sorry for it.

Two nights ago my SO lost his temper about money being tight due to lots of vet bills for our fur babies (2 cats and a guinea pig). He didn't yell at me. He didn't get physical with me. He said "after this no more damn pets, maybe I should get rid of the ones we have". I started crying bc I love animals and don't want kids. So animals are my babies.

I got ready for bed and he said he was sleeping on the couch. He knew he upset me and thought that was what I wanted. After I told him I wanted him to sleep in bed, he laid down and faced away from me.

The next morning things were kind of tense between us. Neither one of us was very talkative. But when I got home from work, these were in the fridge. When I opened the fridge I was like "What are those?" and he said "Pretty girl I am sorry for what I said. I was angry. I shouldn't have said anything while upset. I know how much the animals mean to you. Please forgive me and it won't happen again."

That. That is a good man, in my opinion. A man who can admit he is wrong and apologize. No, those aren't $50 flowers. But it is the thought behind them that matters and the follow up with words and actions.