Your trick for getting LO to sleep?

I had none and I was growing desperate. My almost 60day old DD was so restless and would not sleep unless while sucking so if she did not fall asleep during a feed, she woud cry and whine for over two hours until the next feed and so on... Even when I did manage to calm her down, it would only last for about 10-15min. I don't always respond immediately to her whines and I give myself a 5-15min break even during her cries but still, it was draining the life out of me. 
Yesterday she whined and cried for 7 hours.... She was fed, got her diapers changed and temp checked every 1.5 to 2 hours, and I gave her two baths hoping it would soothe her but she could not fall asleep. I called to ask SO if he would be able to get out of work if I ran away from home LOL. I needed an exit plan...  
But I think I just pulled it off?? I saw a youtube of a woman giving an intense eye stare at her baby to make him/her fall asleep and I remembered that my LO also always sleeps when we're out, when there's too much stimulant. So when she did not fall asleep and was getting a little cranky after a feed, I put her in a swaddle up, hoping it would help, held her in my arms and put my face so close to her's that our noses almost touched. She tried to avoid my eyes, but when she couldn't, she closed her's and after a couple of minutes, she was sleeping!!!! I hope I don't jinx it by sharing but I had to share and ask, just in case I do jinx it, what else do you suggest I try?