Am I having pregnancy hormone jealousy or there's something going on!!

Well, I am very disappointed and going through  very bad times. I've been crying a lot lately. I feel that my husband is changing and he's hiding something. He went to few late night appointments he said with his boss. (Something that he has never done before) so I grabbed my IPad and tracked him down using a tracking application. I found out that when the night is over he ends up going to his boss's ex wife apartment. Then when I confronted him with it, he said that his boss moved back to his wife!! Well I'm not sure if I can believe this. And we fought a lot about it and lately he changed his Apple ID so I can't track him down anymore and when we argued about it, he said that it was his mistake in the beginning to give it to me and that I'm getting crazy and that he would never give it to me again in his life. Lately he gave me his phone to talk to my father so I received few what'sapp messages from her (his boss's wife), to tell the truth the messages were normal she was just saying hi, this is my what'sapp. Also in the what'sapp he has a picture of me and him as a profile picture so she must know that he's married. Since then I became very suspicious about everything he's saying or doing. I asked him to never talk to her anymore, he said ok!! But I feel I am lost.. Am I becoming a jealous freak or he's doing something wrong for real!! I'm totally lost girls. I am 39 weeks pregnant and I've been crying a looooot lately.. I feel so down and depressed. I literally wish that my baby's due came at a better time than this 😞😞😞