
I believe i had a miscarriage last wednesday due to large clots and gushes of blood that went on for about an hour or so. I have been bleeding since week 5 and today i would have been week 7 and some days and im still bleeding (not as heavy as last week). My hcg was rising too slow, and my dr basically told me to wait it out that it was gonna end in a miscarriage. Well saturday i went for an ultrasound and the tech couldnt find the baby, she tried to get me to relax by saying maybe my days were off, but idk at 5 weeks when they did the ultrasound they saw the sac. Idk...i still feel like i might be pregnant I've been naseous and groggy. But i need to go get an hcg thursday to see if my levels went down. Anybody have anything similar happen? (I realistic) i just had miscarriage on christmas, this would be my second miscarriage in less than 6 months :(