Don't want to give up.

Hi ladies, I need advice. 
When my daughter was born, she was very jaundiced and could never stay awake for a full feeding. She also had a tongue tie that prevented her from latching properly and my nipples were getting torn up so I started using a nipple shield. She started losing more weight and the lactation consultant told me to supplement with expressed milk. Even though I was engorged and overproducing, when I pumped I couldn't keep up with how much she was eating when we supplemented. We eventually had to start supplementing with formula bc I started producing less when I pumped and she would fall asleep at the breast no matter what I did to keep her awake. Once the jaundice cleared up after about 3 weeks, my supply had significantly dropped even though I was nursing every feeding and pumping after. I am eating oatmeal, lactation cookies, taking a lactation aid that contains fenugreek, blessed thistle, goats rue and some other herbs, I've tried mothers milk tea. I massage my breasts and can hand express a few drops at a time but I can't get even one drop when I pump. She is now 7 weeks old and even with (attempting) nursing every feeding, we have been pretty much formula feeding and supplementing with breastmilk. Now she flat out refuses to latch on. I have tried skin to skin, laying her on my chest and letting her find the nipple, encouraging words while holding her close to my chest and just holding her there while she sleeps, feeding her a little first so she's calm, SNS tube feeding at the breast. She will lick my nipple and if I try to put it in her mouth, she gags and starts crying until we give her a bottle. I literally get so discouraged because it was my goal since I found out I was pregnant to EBF and now I can't even get her to latch on the breast. I REALLY don't want to give up but I feel like I am out of options.