I cant win😭

So with my first i had awful nausea from weeks 5 through 11 but never threw up. Now with this one i only did a test cos i was feeling nauseous at 5weeks. But it stopped a fee days after i started my prenatals and the levels in my body balanced. So although the nausea left, my appetite isnt amazing and sometimes im so tired i sleep forever and just dont eat...i take my pill at 5pm everyday and if i dont eat all day and take my giant beast of a tablet, i feel real sick and my stomach hurts...and today i threw up like there was no tomo but all i had had was water and sprite so it tasted like sprite on the way up. Wasnt too bad but lord it just didnt stop! Had to take two tums, wait an hour, drink a proper english cup of tea and eat a bowl of instant noodles!!! Man it was badddddd!!! Anyone else??Â