Dreams of having or just of your baby?

So last night i had a dream of being in a labour room and obviously i was just in labour or something but all i remember is the dr or nurse putting this beautiful baby boy onto my chest. I was instantly in love and this was just a dream. It felt so so real. I named the baby and all "Cobain Jayce" The middle name was supposed to be the boys first name but in this dream it wasnt. Now i completely in love with the name and want that. (I still dont know what i am having, im nearly 13 weeks) Also remember the babys supposed birthday which is 11th May, which happens to be todays date. I am not due until November so that is not possible. But this is the second dream ive had of a boy the first was being in an ultrasound and i could clearly see a "doodle" so knew it was a boy.

But before these boy dreams i would dream of girls. Before i even knew i was pregnant. Maybe im just thinking too much. Im just so in love after my dream lastnight and cant get over how real it was and am now so excited.

Has anyone had any similar dreams. I would love to hear them and the end result like gender if known and how true do you think dreams are. I am a firm believer of everything spirtual so i understand not everyone is but opinions please and dream stories would be great.

I am a FTM

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