Advice on sleeping

My newborn she's 9 weeks  is the worst sleeper. I'm just looking for advice or pointers of any kind. No negative comments. My newborn sleeps in a swing. She used to sleep one long sleep a night from around 8/9 until 3 am Lately she's been waking now before 1. And then she doesn't go back to sleep easily. From 4 am onwards she doesn't seem to go into a deep sleep. She cries and fusses in her swing about every 40 mins. Eventually I pick her up around 6 and bring her into bed. But she still fusses. So we don't really sleep. I get spurts of 30-40 mins. I've tried swaddling, white noise , she has a pacifier (which is a curse and blessing since if it falls out she wakes up. Pacifier is even on a plushie that is swaddled with her) I give her a bottle of breastmilk before bed since it seems to fill her up more. I've tried bath and massage before bed. Anyone have any pointers? I don't need to sleep trough the night but if I can try and get her to sleep a little better I could at least get a few more hours