Blighted Ovum anyone? Advice needed!

Ok so Iam currently 10 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I went in for my 8 week check up and they did a Transvaginal ultrasound. They only saw the sack no sign of the baby. I have another Transvaginal ultrasound tomorrow at my 10 week appointment to see if my dates were wrong. I don't see that being the case because periods are on time every month and I was using ovulation strips. I mean is that possible for by dates to be off two weeks. I mean shouldn't they have seen something that my eight week appointment. Has this happened to anyone. I feel so emotionally and physically drained. I feel like this is all a bad dream. I have already miscarried about 19 months ago when I was 5 1/2 weeks. All my pregnancy symptoms are gone but my stomach is getting a little bigger( maybe because the sac is getting bigger) idk. If this has unfortunately happened to you I would love to hear your story good or bad stories.Or just even to give me some support just feel like Iam going through this alone and feel helpless and empty . Thank you