It's a boy!!!!! Story of my anxiousness lol

I had my gender screening ultrasound at 13 weeks and 3 days. Everyone told me to keep waiting. But I was so excited for this one. My first born which is 5 years old now is a girl. We were told she was a boy up until our second ultrasound before delivering. This pregnancy is with a different father (me and her dad didn't work out) he does have children before our relationship and they are all boys. He swore up and down it was a boy, but being that there's all girls in my family I was really debating it. I just couldn't wait any longer and scheduled a gender reveal ultrasound for $20 bucks! Score!!! Baby was sleeping and had his legs crossed the whole time. He wouldn't turn or move at all. The ultrasound tech then Tapped with the "wand" and as he rolled, she rolled the wand the opposite way and BOOM! There it was! She ran the blood flow feature. She mentioned if it was the umbilical cord it would turn red or blue. But it didn't. Daddy of course said "I told you" I couldn't believe it!! Just like that I'd be welcoming our first boy into my family! I am beyond ecstatic!! November can't come fast enough!!! #November9th