Almost a yr together and NO I love you

5/19 will be a yr since me and my bf got together... we've known each other 7 months before we started dating, 2 weeks ago I had our son. Neither one of us has said "I love you". I know girls say it first but I'm waiting for him to. When I bring it up he just says "well you haven't told me yet or if I didn't love you I wouldn't be with you".

I told myself a few months after we've been dating that if I don't get an I love you by the time it's a year then we're gonna have to break up. It probably sounds petty but we've known each other almost 2yrs and I feel if I don't get it by then I probably won't ever. And I just need to move on.

Idk want to say it first, because he might say it just because I said it or something. What sldo y ou think?