Baby's here three weeks early!

Shelby • Baby girl born may11 wasn't due until june2. Love my princess
So I had to get induced today :P stress test wasn't looking good yesterday, I ended up getting a ribbon put in  for the night and at 11/12ish my cervix was just getting soft and was 2cm dilated, began having the worst contractions and puking added on to that, then at around 2 I had a pretty horrid contraction and began pushing while nurses were yelling at me to hold on as the doctor was in on another labor, nope couldn't hold it in, Doctor ended up getting in right on time and baby was here at 2:41pm
My pride and joy Julia Rose Marie born at 36weeks+6 and weighting 4.12pounds
Contractions were what wanted to make me give up, the labor was easy peasy and I was so calm. All natural! 😊😊