We accidentally started co-sleeping...

Stormie ☔ • Christ saved me from myself, I owe and offer everything I am to Him. Happily married homeschooling Mama of two with one in Heaven 🥰 Nurse. Crafter. World Changer.

Lennox was gassy one night and was pretty inconsolable even after burping, gripe water, etc.

So I laid him next to me and cuddled him close and we both drifted off to sleep (I was BEAT that particular night)...

I feel a mixture of guilt (yes, because I know the whole "back to sleep" benefits - one of them being my long term sanity) and some disappointment in myself because after I finally got my daughter out of my bed, I swore to myself I would never let another one of my children sleep in bed with me...

Buttttt.... here we are. 😧

Don't get me wrong - I ADORE cuddling my son beyond anything... I just remember how this all went down 9 yrs ago when my daughter was a baby.

He will occasionally go in his own bed or bouncy seat for a daytime nap...