A bunch of PRESSURE!

Nasira💕 • Married mother of two beautiful girls Maa shaa Allah ❤👭👑❤
Ok so I am 39 weeks today. I had my doc appt earlier. I was told last week that I was fingertip dilated and 50% effaced. But this week my midwife checked again and said I am a little high up and not dilated buy still 50% effaced. Confused I may say??. But anywho! Before heading to my appt I noticed this weird feeling in my lower back and whoha (lol). It was thee weirdest feeling of pressure I have experienced since I've been in my last weeks of pregnancy. It felt more like if I would have relaxed my muscles my water would break and she will dive right on out hands first. Lol You know, that feeling when you gotta hold your pee but nothing comes out. No infections or complications. Have anyone had this feeling before their water have broken?