My dream was crushed feeling a little broken

I was 7 days late for my AF. On CD 41 I got a vvvfl, which was 2 days before Mother's Day. I was 20 DPO My hopes were really high. A few days later on Mother's Day I started spotting. Went and got blood work the next day and confirmed I was Pregnant but the levels were really low went back in two days to repeat labs and my levels were back to zero. I bleed heavy for two days then it got lighter then by CD 5 the bleeding had stopped. now I feel so nauseous. I'm hoping my GYN will have a solution or even a plan. I haven't been ttc for long but the fact that I knew I was pregnant then I wasn't crushed me. I often times feel like I'm a worthless woman. All I want is to be an amazing mom to some beautiful children of my own